Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Welcomes Paris Saint-Germain Academy Head Coach

PSG Academy USA

Benjamin, Paris Saint-Germain Academy Head Coach visited Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Academies

As part of the development of Paris Saint-Germain Academy in the United States, we had the special opportunity to welcome Benjamin Houri, Paris Saint-Germain Academy Head Coach from the Paris Saint-Germain Headquarters in Paris to the Florida and Los Angeles Academy locations in the U.S.!
Through technical workshops and innovative on-field tactical sessions and demonstrations led by Benjamin, the Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Head Coaches and Technical Staff in Florida and Los Angeles have been trained in both theory and practice. Benjamin has transmitted to the coaches the best ways to teach the Paris Saint-Germain methodology, philosophy and identity of the club, implementing the Paris Saint-Germain programs, as well as its values.

Together with Raul Escoin, Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Technical Director, Ben, attended practices as well as league games and tournaments, in order to assess teams and players’ levels and ensure a positive progression throughout the year.

On his second visit to Paris Saint-Germain Academy Florida this year, Benjamin was able to witness the incredible training facilities at the Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Campus & Headquarters!

Read more about Ben’s visit in the U.S. on the official Paris Saint-Germain website here.

